Our School started offering activities back in 1998 when Kinesiology was still little known and reserved for a small number of professionals.

Lo sviluppo della ricerca nel settore della Kinesiologia interconnessa con la Naturopatia e le altre discipline bio naturali quali floriterapia, fitoterapia, reflessologia, yoga, craniosacrale, posturologia metaforica, linguaggio del corpo, mappa dell’iride, pulizia intestinale, hanno permesso di insegnare e divulgare negli anni a sempre più persone professionisti futuri professionisti Kinesiologi e Naturopati come pure a famiglie interessate al proprio benessere una tecnica innovativa per prendersi cura del proprio corpo della propria interiorità e dare nuovo significato alla propria salute e alla propria vita.

Nei webinar più tematici come Vitality vengono insegnati esercizi e strumenti per la cura quotidiana di sé a livello fisico emozionale e mentale, ricette per tirare su il tono dell’energia e scelte di integratori e prodotti per migliorare il potenziamento verso lo stress e affrontare con buonumore la vita quotidiana.

The Vitality webinar has been held since then every Wednesday at 18.45 for a duration of 2 hours; in the first 20 years it was only held in presence while since 2018 it has been held both online and in presence, thus reaching people all over Italy and also abroad in Switzerland Europe Slovenia Spain.

Among the most popular webinars since 1998, in addition to Vitality, are the Basic Kinesiology and Basic Naturopathy courses and, since 2017, also Yoga classes integrated with Kinesiology and Naturopathy combined with training to become an instructor of Quantic Yoga, the Yoga integrated with Kinesiology and Naturopathy.

Webinars on Emotional Expressions, chakra mapping, muscle and meridian mapping, and the meaning of localised symptoms in different muscle districts and body parts are also very popular.

To date, courses are held both during the week, mainly in the afternoon and evening hours, and at weekends during which short courses, intensive courses and professional Basic and Master courses in Kinesiology and/or Naturopathy are held.

Our courses don't stop even in summer because the body doesn't go on holiday: taking care of yourself is even more important during the summer period when you allow yourself a moment of respite and relaxation to regain contact with yourself, inner serenity and deep self-motivation, to face work, family and home stress with more energy and health.

Our intensive courses have also been held since the last century in the summer, at Christmas time and as a retreat activity also at Easter.

The activities for more than 20 years were carried out only in presence, since 2018 our School has started the online activity which proved to be particularly valuable as an insight when then taking online courses became even more preponderant and important.

Combining online courses with face-to-face courses saves travel time and energy resources that can be used to study at one's own pace, giving people who do not usually have ease of travel such as mothers, pregnant women, pensioners who study our courses for passion, and in general people who live thousands of kilometres away and would have to travel long distances very often the opportunity to learn more.

By following our School online, people can receive in-depth, comprehensive training with the results of pioneering exploratory research in the field of International Kinesiology from the comfort of their own home at their own preferred times and accessing the in-person training of their choice.

Nel corso degli anni la Kinesiologia si è evoluta in una disciplina che partendo dai semplici test muscolari è diventata una strumento ampio e articolato che spazia su oltre cento diverse tipologie di test muscolare e rami di Kinesiologia, spaziando dalla Kinesiologia Applicata alla Kinesiologia Emozionale, con riferimenti al Touch for Health, Brain Gym e Kinesiologia Educativa e dell’apprendimento includendo costellazioni famigliari e Kinesiologia, tendenze posturali e Kinesiologia, Cinque ferite emozionali e Kinesiologia. Decine di altri rami di Kinesiologia sono integrati nella Kinesiologia Cronoquantistica che è ora la denominazione della nostra Scuola. Cronoquantistica è riferito al fatto che nella Kinesiologia ormai è chiaro che la natura del corpo umano è regolata e governata da impulsi elettromagnetici che dal cuore portano la circolazione del sangue in tutto il corpo, leggi elettromagnetiche che governano le cellule, le funzioni, le relazioni tra neuroni, gli impulsi elettrici nelle fibre muscolari e che sono le differenze di potenziale ai capi delle varie parti del corpo che determinano un buon funzionamento legato a una salute ottimale fisica emozionale e mentale.

Quantum Physics, which is reserved for the field of elementary particles and the world of the infinitely small, nevertheless encompasses within it the roots of electromagnetism, biochemical interactions and thermodynamics, and the quantum view of the human body refers to the fact that we are not just made up of chemistry and molecules but of the quantum relationships between them. The prefix Chrono of the word Chrono-quantum refers to the fact that we live in a space-time and thus can go and establish the chronology of events. that led to our current state and make predictions about how physical emotional and mental situations will evolve over time.

Statistical and probabilistic applications are an integral part of this work that finds references in Quantum Physics to even metaphorical ones such as Heisenberg's indeterminacy principle and the Schrödinger equation.

Le procedure applicate in Kinesiologia si sono evolute nel corso degli anni passando da semplici test muscolari indipendenti tra loro a procedure interconnesse con gruppi di muscoli emozioni e funzioni del cervello per poter risolvere tematiche non solo con le risposte si o no ma attraverso sistemi di tre parametri in cui è possibile conoscere il si il no e anche una grande parte della nostra realtà e cioè col neutro.

The electromagnetic nature of the impulses governing the body's functioning also recalls, through Maxwell's equations, the presence of magnetic and electromagnetic energy fields, and this provides an explanation of the vibrational and wave nature of the human body combined with the biochemical and structural nature of our organism.


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