Learning Kinesiology through the Basic Courses is simple and easy.

The first group of 4 courses covers the basic tests, the 12 main muscles, the muscle-organ-meridian triangle, neurolymphatic and neurovascular reflexes and meridians, the challenge and double challenge, the Five Elements map, the meridian clock and the strengthening of the entire system through food supplements and products.

The next five courses in the first year of training include Chakra mapping, work on Bach Flower Remedies and essential oils, a part dedicated to crystals, further food tests, iris mapping, foot, face and hand reflexes as well as gentle mobilisation techniques for the back, legs, arms and neck.

The following four Basic Kinesiology courses in the second year of training include in-depth examinations of phytotherapy with muscle testing, Kinesiology applied to Feng Shui, Kinesiology relating to posture attitudes, emotional attitudes, different learning modalities, talent development related to the Five Emotional Wounds and the Five Elements of the Traditional Chinese Model, applications in the field of Aesthetic Kinesiology, Sport and School.

Emphasis is also placed on the search for inner blocks and defusions of emotional blocks with a search in the past time for the origin of the physical emotional or mental block and realignment of the inner and outer planes in time and space.

Each course in Kinesiology and/or Naturopathy provides a certificate and manuals are also included in the course.

The issuance of the final certificate is subject to passing a final examination, which is optional and reserved only for those who wish to exercise the profession of Kinesiologist and/or Naturopath.

In fact, our courses can also be attended out of personal passion, and even in this case a certificate is issued for each course should the person then wish to continue with the profession in order to obtain the title, to learn the art and put it aside.

Those practising the profession can do so as it is regulated by Law 4/2013, both as a Kinesiologist and as a Naturopath in the field of Bionatural Disciplines.

The certificates can be used either to practise freelance or to work in wellness centres, Shiatsu centres, sports centres or spas.

Certificates are awarded according to the criteria of training credits, so each person can decide to take courses at the rate of one per month or 2 per month or other scans or timings, one course every 2 months or per quarter, choosing how soon they want to obtain the certificate or complete the training.

Individuals can also obtain certificates in Kinesiology and/or Naturopathy by intensifying their participation in the courses at a certain time of the year and spreading it out over the rest of the time. Amateur courses can be followed with monthly quarterly or annual subscriptions and are held in the afternoon or evening hours.

Professional courses can be followed live in the evenings or at weekends, and on demand at any time. Amateur courses are also available with video on demand.

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